Sandoz shares dip on first day of Swiss listing after Novartis spinoff

No­var­tis has com­plet­ed a spin­off of its gener­ics and biosim­i­lars arm San­doz, which made its de­but ear­li­er to­day on the SIX Swiss ex­change at a low­er-than-ex­pect­ed val­ue of $11.2 bil­lion.

San­doz’s shares $SDZ opened at ₣24 ($26.21) each and are list­ed on the Swiss Per­for­mance In­dex and the Swiss Leader In­dex. Un­der the trans­ac­tion terms, No­var­tis share­hold­ers re­ceived one San­doz share for every five No­var­tis shares they had.

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