Sanofi adds another AI alliance, this time for biologics with Baidu CEO’s startup

Sanofi has teamed up on ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence once again. This time, it’s part­ner­ing with Bio­Map, a start­up chaired by the CEO of Baidu, a Chi­nese in­ter­net gi­ant that pre­vi­ous­ly inked its own AI-based mR­NA deal with the French Big Phar­ma.

Bio­Map, which se­cured a $100 mil­lion Se­ries A in 2021, could bag more than $1 bil­lion in biobucks if the work gets in­to clin­i­cal test­ing and leads to mar­ket­ed med­i­cines. And while many AI-dri­ven drug dis­cov­ery shops go af­ter small mol­e­cules, Sanofi is pay­ing $10 mil­lion up­front to part­ner with the bi­o­log­ics-fo­cused com­pa­ny.

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