Sanofi bid first, but Biogen won out in fight to acquire Reata — report 

Sanofi was the mys­tery “Par­ty A” that en­gaged in a bid­ding war with Bio­gen for the $7.3 bil­lion buy­out of Rea­ta Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, ac­cord­ing to a Bloomberg News re­port, cit­ing un­named sources.

The French Big Phar­ma bid for Rea­ta first, but its for­mer CEO Chris Viehbach­er and his busi­ness de­vel­op­ment team at Bio­gen pre­vailed in the deal talks and won by a slim 50 cent-per-share mar­gin. A Sanofi spokesper­son de­clined to com­ment.

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