Sanofi CEO Paul Hudson pitches 12 blockbusters in a bid to convince investors on boosting R&D spend

Four years ago, Paul Hud­son wel­comed in­vestors and an­a­lysts to Sanofi’s Cam­bridge, MA of­fice, in­tro­duc­ing his strat­e­gy for the French phar­ma gi­ant.

Hud­son, who joined as CEO in Sep­tem­ber 2019, ad­dressed long­stand­ing doubts about the abil­i­ty of the com­pa­ny to fo­cus and ex­e­cute, par­tic­u­lar­ly in build­ing a pipeline. On Thurs­day, Hud­son and oth­er com­pa­ny ex­ec­u­tives made the trip to a mid­town Man­hat­tan ho­tel for an R&D day with the hopes of per­suad­ing a mar­ket that has, once again, be­come un­con­vinced of Sanofi.

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