Sanofi ends almost all state personal injury lawsuits over Zantac with undisclosed settlement

Sanofi has agreed to set­tle about 4,000 cas­es in the sprawl­ing lit­i­ga­tion over the heart­burn drug Zan­tac and claims that it con­tained a car­cino­gen that caused can­cer.

On Thurs­day, Sanofi said that it had reached an agree­ment “in prin­ci­ple” that would re­solve most of the cas­es still pend­ing against the com­pa­ny in state courts out­side of Delaware, adding that the deal re­quires in­di­vid­ual plain­tiffs to agree and will take time to com­plete. Sanofi is not con­ced­ing to any li­a­bil­i­ty and said it is on­ly set­tling the cas­es “to avoid the ex­pense and on­go­ing dis­trac­tion of the lit­i­ga­tion,” a com­pa­ny rep­re­sen­ta­tive said in an emailed state­ment.

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