Sanofi flies new flag for meningitis awareness, marking one year to the Paris Paralympics with three Team Sanofi athletes

Ex­act­ly one year in ad­vance of the Paris 2024 Par­a­lympic Games, Sanofi is fly­ing a new flag to raise aware­ness of the still sig­nif­i­cant and se­ri­ous prob­lems of menin­gi­tis.

The new­ly-de­signed, first-ever menin­gi­tis flag is meant as a sym­bol of the fight, com­mit­ment to end the dis­ease and the de­ter­mi­na­tion of the menin­gi­tis com­mu­ni­ty and peo­ple who have sur­vived the dis­ease, said Sanofi ex­ec­u­tive VP, vac­cines, Thomas Tri­om­phe.

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