Sanofi’s eczema drug hits primary endpoint in PhIIb trial, plans underway for PhIII in 2024

Sanofi’s an­ti-OX40L an­ti­body, am­lite­limab, passed a 390-pa­tient Phase IIb tri­al by hit­ting the pri­ma­ry end­point, with pa­tients see­ing up to a 61.5% im­prove­ment on a scale used to mea­sure eczema sever­i­ty, the com­pa­ny said at the Eu­ro­pean Acad­e­my of Der­ma­tol­ogy and Venere­ol­o­gy Con­gress.

Sanofi rolled out de­tailed da­ta from its dose-rang­ing STREAM-AD tri­al on Fri­day, paving the way for a Phase III study in the first half of next year and bol­ster­ing the com­pa­ny’s im­munol­o­gy port­fo­lio. Sanofi first got its hands on the drug when it bought out Kymab in 2021 for $1.5 bil­lion, with am­lite­limab as the top can­di­date in the deal.

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