Sarissa and Alex Denner lose fight for board seats at Alkermes

Saris­sa Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment’s three nom­i­nees to the Alk­er­mes board failed to gain enough votes at a share­hold­er meet­ing, and all sev­en of the com­pa­ny’s board nom­i­nees were in­stead re-elect­ed on Thurs­day.

Saris­sa, which owns a stake in the Dublin-based bio­phar­ma, had pro­posed putting its leader Alex Den­ner, its pres­i­dent Patrice Bon­figlio and Sarah Schlesinger, an im­mu­nol­o­gist and chair of Rock­e­feller Uni­ver­si­ty’s in­sti­tu­tion­al re­view board, on the Alk­er­mes board — ar­gu­ing ear­li­er this month the cur­rent board has lit­tle over­sight and isn’t ac­count­able to share­hold­ers.

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