Sarissa’s Alkermes board replacements largely fail to win support from shareholder firms, which cite Biogen board moves

Alex Den­ner, the in­vestor be­hind the ac­tivist firm Saris­sa Cap­i­tal Man­age­ment, is not win­ning much sup­port for his board up­heaval plans at Irish drug­mak­er Alk­er­mes.

On Tues­day and Wednes­day this week, Alk­er­mes said that share­hold­er ad­vi­so­ry firm ISS and proxy ad­vi­so­ry shop Glass Lewis rec­om­mend­ed that share­hold­ers not sup­port Den­ner’s ap­point­ment to the board, nor Saris­sa pres­i­dent Patrice Bon­figlio.

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