Scoop: CNS biotech MapLight Therapeutics eyes $175M raise for PhII clinical trials in schizophrenia, autism and Parkinson’s

Map­Light Ther­a­peu­tics, a biotech fo­cused on cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem dis­or­ders, is eye­ing a large $175 mil­lion fi­nanc­ing as it beefs up the C-suite and ad­vances mul­ti­ple drug can­di­dates. The biotech has so far raised $50 mil­lion from five in­vestors in the of­fer­ing, per a Wednes­day SEC fil­ing.

The start­up has said lit­tle about its in­vestors to-date. Nan Fung Group’s Piv­otal Life Sci­ences start­ed back­ing the biotech around its in­cep­tion in 2019, and the Michael J. Fox Foun­da­tion has pro­vid­ed mul­ti­ple grants. Map­Light had raised $63 mil­lion in fund­ing as of last No­vem­ber and had 49 em­ploy­ees as of last month, ac­cord­ing to da­ta from Pitch­Book.

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