Seagen teams up with protein degradation specialist to make a new kind of antibody conjugate, paying $60M upfront

Seagen, whose suite of an­ti­body-drug con­ju­gates en­ticed Pfiz­er to a $43 bil­lion buy­out, is look­ing to put a twist on the idea.

The Seat­tle-based drug­mak­er will team up with Nurix to de­vel­op de­grad­er-an­ti­body con­ju­gates (DAC), in a bid to com­bine their ex­per­tise in AD­Cs and pro­tein degra­da­tion. Seagen is hand­ing over $60 mil­lion up­front to start the deal, which can al­so de­liv­er $3.4 bil­lion in mile­stones to Nurix, on top of fu­ture roy­al­ties.

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