Seagen’s former commercial chief joins the board at healthcare agency minds + assembly

Long­time on­col­o­gy com­mer­cial leader Chip Romp is mak­ing a cre­ative leap and join­ing the board of di­rec­tors at de­sign-fo­cused health­care agency minds + as­sem­bly.

Romp led com­mer­cial op­er­a­tions for Seagen for more than four years of his al­most 14-year ca­reer there, over­see­ing four of its can­cer drugs — Ad­cetris, Pad­cev, Tukysa and Tiv­dak — through launch­es and in­di­ca­tion ad­di­tions. Be­fore that, he was Genen­tech’s na­tion­al sales di­rec­tor for on­col­o­gy and im­munol­o­gy prod­ucts, in­clud­ing Avastin and Rit­ux­an.

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