Sebastian Guth sharpens his focus at Bayer; As CD47 struggles persist, I-Mab appoints CEO

Bay­er is re­fin­ing Se­bas­t­ian Guth’s role on June 30, nam­ing him se­nior Bay­er rep­re­sen­ta­tive and pres­i­dent of Bay­er US. Guth had led phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals op­er­a­tions in the Amer­i­c­as since De­cem­ber 2018, and he’ll still be in charge of the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals busi­ness for the US and Cana­da, as EMEA com­mer­cial op­er­a­tions leader Heike Prinz han­dles the Latin Amer­i­ca phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals busi­ness. Guth is a 17-year vet­er­an with Bay­er who has al­so been pres­i­dent and CEO of the Ger­man multi­na­tion­al’s health­care group in Japan. The moves come as for­mer Roche Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals chief Bill An­der­son is about to com­plete his first month as CEO. In Wern­er Bau­mann’s fi­nal days, Bay­er trimmed its pipeline and al­so struck a ra­dio­ther­a­py deal with Bi­cy­cle Ther­a­peu­tics worth $45 mil­lion up­front.

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