Senate Democrats press AstraZeneca, Sanofi on RSV antibody shortage

As RSV cas­es start to rise this sea­son, As­traZeneca and Sanofi have strug­gled to match the de­mand for their new mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body to pro­tect against RSV — and sev­er­al De­mo­c­rat sen­a­tors are ask­ing the two com­pa­nies to ex­plain what’s caus­ing the sup­ply holdup.

The FDA in Ju­ly ap­proved the two com­pa­nies’ Bey­for­tus (nir­se­vimab), and the CDC rec­om­mend­ed it be used for in­fants at the high­est risk for se­vere RSV cas­es, in­clud­ing young in­fants un­der the age of six months, and in­fants with un­der­ly­ing con­di­tions.

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