Senator alleges GSK is shirking its commitment to lower inhaler costs

Sen. Mag­gie Has­san (D-NH) is pres­sur­ing GSK to put a com­mon­ly used pe­di­atric in­haler back on the mar­ket af­ter the com­pa­ny stopped pro­duc­ing it in late 2023 in fa­vor of an au­tho­rized gener­ic ver­sion.

In a three-page let­ter sent to GSK CEO Em­ma Walm­s­ley on Wednes­day, Has­san as­serts that the com­pa­ny is not stick­ing to its com­mit­ment to cap the price of many of its in­halers at $35 a month, which the com­pa­ny an­nounced last March. The sen­a­tor’s con­cerns stem from GSK’s de­ci­sion this past fall to halt pro­duc­tion of its brand­ed ver­sion and sole­ly pro­duce an au­tho­rized gener­ic.

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