Senators push HHS on ‘inadequate’ response to Change Healthcare cyberattack

Law­mak­ers on the Sen­ate HELP com­mit­tee are putting pres­sure on HHS to amp up its re­sponse to the re­cent cy­ber­at­tack on Change Health­care, the fall­out from which has wide­ly dis­rupt­ed pay­ments across the US health­care sys­tem.

In a March 20 let­ter to HHS Sec­re­tary Xavier Be­cer­ra, Sen­ate HELP com­mit­tee rank­ing mem­ber Bill Cas­sidy (R-LA) and Sen. Tom­my Tu­berville (R-AL) say the agency hasn’t done enough to fight back against the at­tack. The duo im­plore Be­cer­ra to pro­vide de­tails on when the agency be­came aware of the cy­ber­at­tack and how HHS is co­or­di­nat­ing with oth­er agen­cies to re­spond to the breach of the Unit­ed­Health Group sub­sidiary.

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