Senators want to know more on why Novo is discontinuing its insulin Levemir

No­vo Nordisk de­cid­ed to dis­con­tin­ue its long-act­ing in­sulin Lev­emir last No­vem­ber, and three De­moc­rats in the Sen­ate want to know why, lay­ing out their ques­tions in a let­ter to lead­ers of the com­pa­ny on Tues­day.

Sens. Jeanne Sha­heen (D-NH), Eliz­a­beth War­ren (D-MA) and Raphael Warnock (D-GA) sought more in­for­ma­tion on sup­ply con­straints and whether No­vo would con­sid­er pro­duc­ing Lev­emir un­til biosim­i­lars are avail­able. They gave No­vo un­til May 1 to re­spond to the ques­tions.

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