Senti Bio cuts 37% of staff; Evotec pockets $25M milestone from BMS; Novartis buys SanReno

Plus news about Ory­zon Ge­nomics, Cu­mu­lus On­col­o­gy, Cure­Vac, Ori­on, Glykos Fin­land, Ra­di­ance Bio­phar­ma, Bio­cy­to­gen, Mark­er Ther­a­peu­tics and Hill­e­Vax:

Sen­ti Bio will lay off 37% of its staff: The cell and gene ther­a­py de­vel­op­er will al­so scale back some R&D work to fo­cus on its clin­i­cal pro­grams. CEO Tim­o­thy Lu says these are “dif­fi­cult but nec­es­sary steps” as it gath­ers proof-of-con­cept da­ta for its gene cir­cuit tech­nol­o­gy. The biotech ex­pects to dose the first acute myeloid leukemia pa­tient with its log­ic-gat­ed cell ther­a­py SEN­TI-202 in the sec­ond quar­ter of 2024. It will al­so con­tin­ue to sup­port a dif­fer­ent can­di­date, tar­get­ed at glyp­i­can 3-ex­press­ing he­pa­to­cel­lu­lar car­ci­no­ma, through a part­ner­ship in Chi­na. — Am­ber Tong

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