Sernova says five diabetes patients have now been taken off insulin after ‘cell pouch’ therapy

Five pa­tients with type 1 di­a­betes have stopped tak­ing in­sulin af­ter get­ting Ser­no­va’s cell trans­plant treat­ment, the Cana­di­an biotech re­port­ed Mon­day morn­ing. It’s the lat­est da­ta on a de­liv­ery ap­proach for a po­ten­tial one-time treat­ment for type 1 di­a­betes, though it comes with some sig­nif­i­cant lim­i­ta­tions.

In a Phase I/II study be­ing con­duct­ed at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Chica­go, Ser­no­va said that the first five pa­tients on the tri­al have now been in­sulin-in­de­pen­dent for at least 6 months. The first pa­tient on the tri­al has been in­sulin-in­de­pen­dent for just over three years.

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