Six years after withdrawing IPO, Abpro takes SPAC route to Nasdaq — with plans to take HER2 bispecific to clinic

Abpro, an an­ti­body mak­er work­ing on T cell en­gagers that tar­get HER2+ can­cer types, is go­ing pub­lic through merg­ing with a SPAC com­pa­ny dubbed At­lantic Coastal Ac­qui­si­tion Corp.

The deal — which val­ues Woburn, MA-based Abpro at $725 mil­lion — comes more than six years af­ter the biotech first filed for an IPO. It even­tu­al­ly with­drew the list­ing plans and in­stead earned some cash from a li­cens­ing deal with Chi­na’s Nan­jing Chia Tai-Tian­qing Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal.

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