Size of 340B market triples since 2018 and may double again, report says

The bat­tle be­tween phar­ma com­pa­nies and hos­pi­tals over the fed­er­al drug dis­count pro­gram known as 340B is gain­ing steam as its size has tripled since 2018 and may even dou­ble again, ac­cord­ing to a new IQVIA re­port.

The 340B pro­gram, which es­sen­tial­ly cuts the prices of cer­tain out­pa­tient drugs by 55% for hos­pi­tals and clin­ics, saw 16.5% growth in 2023, up from 12% in 2022, the re­port said. By com­par­i­son, phar­ma sales out­side of the 340B pro­gram grew more slow­ly, IQVIA notes.

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