SK Life spotlights epilepsy awareness efforts like Uber rides, mentor program and more on ‘Purple Day’

SK Life Sci­ence cel­e­brat­ed an­nu­al “Pur­ple Day” for epilep­sy aware­ness on Tues­day with a new men­tor­ing pro­gram and a recom­mit­ment to its on­go­ing Uber ride-shar­ing and non­prof­it part­ner work.

The new men­tor pro­gram match­es epilep­sy pa­tients with each oth­er, pair­ing new or un­con­trolled symp­to­matic pa­tients with pa­tients who are on treat­ment and cur­rent­ly seizure-free. The ser­vice through Pa­tient­Part­ner is co-brand­ed with Xco­pri, SK Life’s oral epilep­sy brand in the US. Matt Linkewich, chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer, said men­tors can be on any treat­ment or ther­a­pies that are con­trol­ling their seizures.

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