Slew of House Democrats urge FDA, HHS to preserve access to misoprostol, methotrexate

More than 50 House De­moc­rats are call­ing on the FDA, HHS and the Of­fice for Civ­il Rights to pro­tect ac­cess to miso­pros­tol and methotrex­ate, which the law­mak­ers say has been hard for some pa­tients to ac­cess in the wake of the Supreme Court’s de­ci­sion to re­verse Roe v. Wade.

The let­ter — led by rep­re­sen­ta­tives Nik­ki Budzin­s­ki (IL), Sean Cas­ten (IL), Bec­ca Balint (AL), Va­lerie Foushee (NC) and Jill Toku­da (HI) — ex­plains that methotrex­ate is crit­i­cal for pa­tients with rheuma­toid arthri­tis and oth­er au­toim­mune dis­or­ders, and can be used to treat ec­topic preg­nan­cies in its in­jectable form.

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