Slynd birth control drugmaker Exeltis hit with FDA letter over misleading social media promotion

A spon­sored so­cial me­dia post for Slynd birth con­trol is the lat­est ad of­fend­er in the eyes of the FDA’s pro­mo­tions watch­dog. The Of­fice of Pre­scrip­tion Drug Pro­mo­tion (OPDP) sent an un­ti­tled let­ter to Ex­eltis over “false and mis­lead­ing” claims in a so­cial me­dia post for its prog­estin-on­ly birth con­trol pill.

The spon­sored post for Slynd (drospirenone) over­stat­ed the ef­fi­ca­cy of the drug, OPDP claims, with word­ing that the pill could give pa­tients “pe­ri­ods on a sched­ule.” OPDP dis­put­ed the claim in its let­ter, point­ing to Ex­eltis’ clin­i­cal stud­ies show­ing the ma­jor­i­ty of pa­tients did not ex­pe­ri­ence sched­ule-like pe­ri­ods over the course of treat­ment.

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