SomaLogic, Standard BioTools to merge into $1B multi-omics tech provider

Pro­teomics biotech So­ma­Log­ic and bi­o­log­i­cal re­search equip­ment com­pa­ny Stan­dard BioTools are con­sol­i­dat­ing to be­come a mul­ti-omics re­search tool provider. The all-stock merg­er is es­ti­mat­ed to be worth over $1 bil­lion.

The new com­pa­ny will dis­trib­ute its mul­ti-omics tech to around 50 coun­tries and will have fa­cil­i­ties in Cal­i­for­nia, Col­orado, Mass­a­chu­setts, Cana­da and Sin­ga­pore, the com­pa­nies re­vealed Wednes­day.

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