Sorrento goes to China with Covid drug; Vistagen touts early efficacy data on PMDD nasal spray

Sor­ren­to Ther­a­peu­tics’ oral Mpro in­hibitor ol­go­trelvir has hit the pri­ma­ry end­point and a key sec­ondary end­point in a Phase III tri­al that re­cruit­ed adults with mild-to-mod­er­ate Covid. Sub­se­quent­ly, the com­pa­ny has reached out to Chi­na’s NM­PA with an eye to sub­mit­ting an NDA for ex­pe­dit­ed re­view.

In the pri­ma­ry end­point of me­di­an time to sus­tained re­cov­ery of 11 Covid symp­toms, ol­go­trelvir reached 8.6 days com­pared with 11 days with place­bo (p=0.0001). Ol­go­trelvir al­so re­duced par­tic­i­pants’ vi­ral RNA copy load com­pared with place­bo at four days (p< 0.0001). — Ay­isha Shar­ma

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