SpringWorks Therapeutics ready to launch newly-approved desmoid tumor treatment after three-month delay

Spring­Works Ther­a­peu­tics won FDA ap­proval for its desmoid tu­mor treat­ment Og­siveo on Mon­day, fol­low­ing a three-month reg­u­la­to­ry hic­cup.

Desmoid tu­mors are rare but lo­cal­ly ag­gres­sive tu­mors that grow with ten­dril-like fil­a­ments and can range from the size of a peach to a foot­ball, CEO Saqib Is­lam told End­points News. While they don’t metas­ta­size, they have a high rate of re­cur­rence, even with surgery, or in some cas­es, am­pu­ta­tions.

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