Stanford president resigns following scientific misconduct investigation

Stan­ford pres­i­dent Marc Tessier-Lav­i­gne will re­sign at the end of Au­gust af­ter an in­ter­nal re­view ques­tioned his and his lab’s sci­en­tif­ic in­tegri­ty.

The pan­el of sci­en­tists re­view­ing Tessier-Lav­i­gne, led by for­mer fed­er­al judge Mark Fil­ip and his law firm Kirk­land & El­lis, looked in­to 12 pa­pers on which Tessier-Lav­i­gne is a first au­thor or co-au­thor, fol­low­ing al­le­ga­tions of re­search mis­con­duct raised on the web­site Pub­Peer, which is a crowd-sourced plat­form where sci­en­tif­ic pub­li­ca­tions can be dis­cussed.

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