Steve Jobs’ son to lead Emerson Collective’s oncology-focused VC firm Yosemite

Emer­son Col­lec­tive, the VC firm from bil­lion­aire Lau­rene Pow­ell Jobs, has formed an on­col­o­gy-fo­cused in­vest­ment fund that will be led by Reed Jobs, her son with the late Steve Jobs.

Start­ing with a first close of more than $200 mil­lion, and a pro­ject­ed to­tal of $400 mil­lion pen­ciled in on an SEC fil­ing, Yosemite will pro­vide grants for on­col­o­gy re­search and help in­cu­bate ther­a­peu­tics, di­ag­nos­tics and dig­i­tal health star­tups, Emer­son said Tues­day.

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