Sun Pharma re-enlists popular ‘Pimple Popper’ doctor for acne brand TV campaign

Der­ma­tol­o­gist San­dra Lee, bet­ter known as “Dr. Pim­ple Pop­per” on the pop­u­lar TLC re­al­i­ty show with the same name, is back again as a Sun Phar­ma spokesper­son, this time for its Win­le­vi ac­ne brand. Lee first teamed up with Sun last year on a gen­er­al aware­ness cam­paign about how hor­mones can cause ac­ne at any age.

In the new cam­paign, Lee stars in three dif­fer­ent con­nect­ed TV spots for Win­le­vi ac­ne cream, ex­plain­ing how se­bum caus­es ac­ne. The ad cam­paign takes a hu­mor­ous tack about se­bum as a “bad word” and bleeps it out in the same way cen­sors tar­get pro­fan­i­ties when teenagers try to talk about the oily gland se­cre­tion.

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