Sun Pharma to buy out the rest of Taro’s ownership

Gener­ics com­pa­ny Sun Phar­ma will con­vert its ma­jor­i­ty own­er­ship of Is­rael’s Taro Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal In­dus­tries in­to a full takeover of the com­pa­ny, buy­ing up the shares it doesn’t own.

Sun Phar­ma, which says it’s the largest phar­ma com­pa­ny in In­dia, will pay $43 each in cash for the shares of Taro that it doesn’t al­ready own. The merg­er is ex­pect­ed to com­plete in the first half of this year, and Taro will be­come a pri­vate­ly-owned com­pa­ny that’s no longer list­ed on the NYSE.

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