Swiss cancer vaccine biotech Nouscom raises $72M Series C for PhII trials

Basel-based biotech Nous­com has raised €67.5 mil­lion ($72.2 mil­lion) to bankroll its can­cer vac­cines as the eight-year-old com­pa­ny looks to cap­i­tal­ize on mo­men­tum in the field.

The Se­ries C marks the biotech’s first ven­ture in­vest­ment in about six years; it last raised a $49 mil­lion Se­ries B in late 2017.

“We’ve been care­ful not to over-com­mit our­selves on spend­ing as we’ve gone and we’re very da­ta-led, not hope-led, on these things,” op­er­at­ing and busi­ness chief Richard Davis told End­points News.

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