Synaffix expands Innovent deal; Recipharm co-develops inhalers; VitriVax gets $5M for vaccine tech

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Lon­za-owned Synaf­fix boost­ed its li­cens­ing deal with In­novent Bi­o­log­ics on Wednes­day to make at least one new ADC can­di­date, build­ing up­on the com­pa­nies’ orig­i­nal deal in June 2021. In­novent will use Synaf­fix’s ADC man­u­fac­tur­ing tech­nol­o­gy to de­vel­op new ADC can­di­dates. Synaf­fix will re­ceive an up­front pay­ment as well as fur­ther mile­stone pay­ments and roy­al­ties for each com­mer­cial­ized ADC.

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