Syros lays off 35% of workers, replaces CEO and loses CSO after axed pacts

Af­ter a decade at the helm, Nan­cy Si­mon­ian will de­part Sy­ros Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals as the biotech works through a piv­otal can­cer study and ad­justs af­ter los­ing two key part­ner­ships with Pfiz­er and In­cyte.

Si­mon­ian will re­tire from the CEO post in De­cem­ber and be re­placed by com­mer­cial and busi­ness chief Con­ley Chee, Sy­ros said Mon­day morn­ing. Er­ic Ol­son, the sci­ence chief at Sy­ros for 10 years, will leave lat­er this month.

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