Takeda bets $100M upfront on AC Immune’s anti-amyloid Alzheimer’s vaccine

AC Im­mune has lined up its third phar­ma part­ner in Alzheimer’s dis­ease, and the pact comes with a hefty biobucks pack­age.

Take­da will pay AC Im­mune $100 mil­lion up­front to snag the ex­clu­sive op­tion to li­cense the Swiss biotech’s an­ti-amy­loid vac­cine, which is in Phase 1b/2 test­ing in the US and Eu­rope. If the drug­mak­er opts to fur­ther de­vel­op the im­munother­a­py, dubbed ACI-24.060, it could dish out up to an­oth­er $2.1 bil­lion in op­tion fees and mile­stones, the com­pa­nies said Mon­day morn­ing.

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