Takeda extends rare disease awareness campaign with patient-inspired imagery, stories

Take­da is con­tin­u­ing to high­light the un­pre­dictable bur­den of hered­i­tary an­gioede­ma in its “Dis­cov­er HAE” cam­paign, in­cor­po­rat­ing more per­son­al sto­ries and im­agery that re­flect pa­tient in­sights.

The drug­mak­er is us­ing strik­ing vi­su­als, like a large rock stat­ue of a swollen hand at a na­tion­al park over­look ob­scur­ing the view of a per­son look­ing out at the moun­tains. An es­ti­mat­ed 6,000 to 7,000 peo­ple in the US have HAE, a rare hered­i­tary dis­ease caused by a lack of or a dys­func­tion­al C1-in­hibitor pro­tein. Symp­toms in­clude re­cur­rent at­tacks of se­vere swelling in dif­fer­ent parts of the body.

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