Takeda selects former CRISPR Therapeutics CMO to lead oncology unit; Emile Nuwaysir out at Ensoma

→ A spokesper­son for Take­da tells Peer Re­view that PK Mor­row suc­ceed­ed Chris Arendt as head of on­col­o­gy on Jan. 29. A few weeks ago we told you about Mor­row’s res­ig­na­tion as CMO of CRISPR Ther­a­peu­tics, and a re­place­ment has not been named at Ver­tex’s Cas­gevy part­ner. Mor­row held a num­ber of po­si­tions over a decade at Am­gen, in­clud­ing VP and glob­al ther­a­peu­tic area head of hema­tol­ogy, GI on­col­o­gy, GU on­col­o­gy and bone dis­eases. Arendt vault­ed to CSO and head of re­search last fall at the Japan­ese phar­ma, which will el­e­vate Mi­lano Fu­ru­ta to CFO in April.

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