Takeda to shut down San Diego research center 

Take­da is shut­ter­ing its San Diego re­search site, the com­pa­ny con­firmed to End­points News.

The com­pa­ny told em­ploy­ees on Thurs­day that it will close the site as part of a de­ci­sion “to fo­cus more of our re­sources on our promis­ing late-stage pipeline and to en­sure we are best po­si­tioned to cre­ate more long-term val­ue for pa­tients,” ac­cord­ing to a spokesper­son.

Take­da de­clined to com­ment on the time­line for the clo­sure or the num­ber of jobs that may be af­fect­ed. About 340 full-time em­ploy­ees cur­rent­ly work at the site, and some work­ers will re­lo­cate to oth­er re­search sites in Cam­bridge, MA, and Shō­nan, Japan, the com­pa­ny said.

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