Taking pulse on private biotech funding; Q&A with Isomorphic Labs CEO; Research institutions rethinks dealmaking; and more

Wel­come back to End­points Week­ly, your re­view of the week’s top bio­phar­ma head­lines. Want this in your in­box every Sat­ur­day morn­ing? Cur­rent End­points read­ers can vis­it their read­er pro­file to add End­points Week­ly. New to End­points? Sign up here.

The first edi­tion of Ly­dia Ram­sey Pflanz­er’s brand new newslet­ter, End­points Health Tech, is out! It marks our first for­ay out­side the world of bio­phar­ma, and promis­es to com­ple­ment our cur­rent cov­er­age. Check out the launch note, where Ly­dia lays out her vi­sion and the themes she’s watch­ing.

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