Tarsus’ eye drops interrupt an animated mite ‘party’ in first DTC ad for Xdemvy

No one wants mites, and cer­tain­ly not a group of them on their eye­lids.

That’s the idea be­hind Tar­sus Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals’ first con­sumer ad cam­paign for Xdemvy, which is ap­proved to treat de­mod­ex ble­phar­i­tis, a dis­ease caused by an over­pop­u­la­tion of de­mod­ex mites on the eye­lids. The lids can ap­pear red, ir­ri­tat­ed and with white col­lars around the eye­lash­es.

In the new an­i­mat­ed video ad, de­mod­ex mites are por­trayed as char­ac­ters hold­ing a par­ty in a close-up of an in­fect­ed eye­lid. The mites hold can­dles and bal­loons and blow par­ty horns when a wave of Xdemvy so­lu­tion floods the scene. The char­ac­ters are “mem­o­rable vi­su­als” meant to help spur po­ten­tial pa­tients to get checked with an eye­care pro­fes­sion­al, chief com­mer­cial of­fi­cer Az­iz Mot­ti­wala said in a press re­lease.

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