Taysha raises $150M PIPE, shares single patient data on Rett syndrome gene therapy

Taysha Gene Ther­a­pies an­nounced it raised $150 mil­lion from a stock sale to in­vestors as it un­veiled da­ta from a sin­gle Rett syn­drome pa­tient who re­ceived its gene ther­a­py.

The da­ta are still ear­ly and very lim­it­ed, but in a sin­gle adult fe­male pa­tient who re­ceived its Rett syn­drome gene ther­a­py, Taysha said there have been no safe­ty is­sues at six weeks. On one pri­ma­ry end­point, Taysha said the clin­i­cian re­port­ed a score of two on a sev­en-point im­prove­ment scale, mean­ing the pa­tient was “much im­proved” at four weeks.

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