Teva agrees ‘in principle’ to $175M opioid settlement to hospitals and health systems

Te­va has agreed to a po­ten­tial na­tion­al set­tle­ment with hos­pi­tals and health sys­tems that have sued the com­pa­ny in opi­oid-re­lat­ed cas­es — but whether or not the deal goes through is con­tin­gent on how many plain­tiffs par­tic­i­pate.

Te­va de­tailed the pro­posed set­tle­ment in an SEC fil­ing Wednes­day, af­ter say­ing that it and some of its af­fil­i­ates had been named in the opi­oid-re­lat­ed cas­es by rough­ly 500 hos­pi­tals and oth­er health­care providers in the US. Te­va did not dis­close ei­ther the iden­ti­ties of the hos­pi­tals or where the cas­es were filed.

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