Teva’s antipsychotic asset passes Phase 3 test in schizophrenia

Te­va said Wednes­day morn­ing that its schiz­o­phre­nia drug suc­ceed­ed in a Phase 3 tri­al with signs of a dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed safe­ty pro­file ver­sus stan­dard of care.

The Phase 3 SO­LARIS tri­al set TEV-‘749 — a once-month­ly sub­cu­ta­neous ver­sion of atyp­i­cal an­tipsy­chot­ic olan­za­p­ine — against place­bo in adults with schiz­o­phre­nia. The drug, which is be­ing de­vel­oped by Te­va, is de­liv­ered us­ing Med­in­cell’s ex­tend­ed re­lease tech­nol­o­gy.

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