Texas attorney general announces $42.7M settlement with Takeda, Baxter over ADHD drug 

Bax­ter In­ter­na­tion­al and Take­da agreed to pay $42.7 mil­lion Tues­day to set­tle with the Texas at­tor­ney gen­er­al over al­le­ga­tions that the com­pa­nies paid clin­i­cians to rec­om­mend Take­da’s AD­HD drug Vy­vanse.

The Civ­il Med­ic­aid Fraud Di­vi­sion with­in the Texas at­tor­ney gen­er­al’s of­fice — which al­so names Take­da sub­sidiaries Shire, Vi­rophar­ma and Bax­al­ta — said in a re­lease that the set­tle­ment re­solves al­le­ga­tions that the com­pa­nies vi­o­lat­ed the state’s Med­ic­aid Fraud Pre­ven­tion Act, or the TMF­PA.

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