Texas attorney general sues Pfizer, Tris Pharma over manufacturing issues surrounding ADHD med

Pfiz­er and Tris Phar­ma are at the cen­ter of a new law­suit al­leg­ing they hid man­u­fac­tur­ing prob­lems re­lat­ed to an AD­HD med­ica­tion and de­fraud­ed the Texas Med­ic­aid pro­gram.

Both com­pa­nies have de­nied the ac­cu­sa­tions, and Pfiz­er in­tends to seek a dis­missal “in due course,” the phar­ma gi­ant told End­points News in an email.

The case cen­ters around Quil­li­vant XR, which was ap­proved in Sep­tem­ber 2012 for the treat­ment of AD­HD in pa­tients 6 years and old­er. In a law­suit un­sealed this week, Texas At­tor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton al­leges that it wasn’t long be­fore some sam­ples of the drug be­gan fail­ing dis­so­lu­tion tests, which de­ter­mine whether the drug will dis­solve as ex­pect­ed once tak­en by a pa­tient. Tris Phar­ma served as Pfiz­er’s con­tract man­u­fac­tur­er for Quil­li­vant at that time be­fore buy­ing the prod­uct line in 2018.

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