Tharimmune’s public offering; Culmination Bio raises $10M; Pepper Bio’s seed round led by NFX

Tharim­mune clos­es $11M in pub­lic of­fer­ing: The com­pa­ny, which is de­vel­op­ing ther­a­pies that aim to treat rare, in­flam­ma­to­ry, and on­co­log­ic con­di­tions, an­nounced Thurs­day that it sold 11 mil­lion shares of com­mon stock for $1 per share. Tharim­mune’s stock $THAR was down about 6% in trad­ing on Fri­day morn­ing.

Da­ta start­up rais­es $10M from Am­gen and Mer­ck funds: Cul­mi­na­tion Bio re­ceived $10 mil­lion from Am­gen Ven­tures and the Mer­ck Glob­al Health In­no­va­tion Fund, it said Thurs­day. The com­pa­ny is build­ing a data­base of de-iden­ti­fied pa­tient da­ta sourced from elec­tron­ic health records and biospec­i­mens that it says can help bio­phar­mas more quick­ly iden­ti­fy po­ten­tial pa­tients for clin­i­cal re­search.

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