The Endpoints 11: The biotech startups making the biggest bets with the most exciting science in 2023

Every year, with­out fail, the End­points 11 proves to be the most chal­leng­ing project I face — and def­i­nite­ly re­mains the most fun.

In an in­dus­try where am­bi­tion and zeal are trade­marks of the most ex­cit­ing biotechs, how do you nar­row the list down to 11 of the most wor­thy new drug de­vel­op­ers to hit the scene?

With­out doubt the sci­ence re­mains the cru­cial el­e­ment. You have to look for an im­por­tant ad­vance to make your mark in biotech, and that means track­ing down cut­ting-edge labs that have be­come skilled at ex­plor­ing new op­por­tu­ni­ties. Drug de­vel­op­ment is ex­tra­or­di­nar­i­ly ex­pen­sive, and that means the back­ers have to of­fer cred­i­bil­i­ty with a rep for play­ing out the game. You can’t have a syn­di­cate of shaky play­ers when you em­bark on a jour­ney of years. And then there’s the man­age­ment team: the peo­ple bet­ting a big chunk of their lives that they can ac­com­plish some­thing of re­al im­por­tance.

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