The Endpoints Slack Interview: NewLimit’s Jacob Kimmel brings anti-aging back to reality

In a field full of ec­centrics, Ja­cob Kim­mel may stand out most for his nor­mal­i­ty.

Kim­mel is a lead­ing an­ti-ag­ing re­searcher who isn’t try­ing to sell you a fist full of pills or a life hack to cheat death. The 29-year-old, in­stead, is heads down in the lab­o­ra­to­ry, work­ing to un­rav­el the bi­ol­o­gy be­hind how cells age and how to rewind that process. He joined our se­cret chan­nel in the lat­est in­stall­ment of our End­points Slack In­ter­view se­ries, where we chat with the fas­ci­nat­ing char­ac­ters shap­ing the in­dus­try’s fu­ture.

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