The Endpoints Slack interview: Roivant CEO Matt Gline on playing moneyball in pharma, Vivek and politics, and the $7B Roche deal

As the ink dries on one of biotech’s biggest deals of 2023, Roivant Sci­ences CEO Matthew Gline popped in the se­cret End­points News Slack chan­nel to dis­cuss the lat­est with the wheel­ing-and-deal­ing biotech.

The 39-year-old ex-Gold­man Sachs banker shared his thoughts on the $7.1 bil­lion deal with Roche, play­ing phar­ma “mon­ey­ball,” and lessons learned work­ing at Lehman Broth­ers dur­ing its fi­nal days. There’s al­so, of course, Vivek Ra­maswamy, Roivant’s charis­mat­ic founder-turned-pres­i­den­tial-can­di­date who Gline suc­ceed­ed.

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