The Endpoints Slack interview: Zavain Dar on starting a new VC, trusting the process with the 76ers, and Apple’s VR future

About a decade ago, the front of­fice of the Philadel­phia 76ers at­tempt­ed a rad­i­cal­ly new way of run­ning a pro­fes­sion­al bas­ket­ball team, bring­ing the “mon­ey­ball” ap­proach to the game. Zavain Dar — an in­vestor at Lux Cap­i­tal — took on an ad­vi­sor side gig us­ing his love of bas­ket­ball and da­ta. The “Trust the Process” mantra turned the team in­to con­tenders.

Dar, 35, is now bet­ting a sim­i­lar sto­ry will play out in the drug in­dus­try with da­ta and AI. He left Lux to start his own fund, Di­men­sion, in 2022 along­side Nan Li and Adam Goul­burn. The trio raised $350 mil­lion for its first fund to in­vest in the con­ver­gence of tech and biotech.

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